Above image: Public gathering as part of Dancing Around Race, a 2017-2018 Community Engagement Residency led by choreographer Gerald Casel.
Public Dialogue Series
Dialogue is a form of creative practice. The value of dialogue lies not simply in building agreement, but also in providing an opportunity to get comfortable with discomfort and doubt. The Bridge Project's Public Dialogue Series brings artists and activists together for equity-driven cultural conversations.
These events make space for cross-sector learning, exchange, and inspiration.
Anti-Racism in Dance Series
Interviewed by SF-based dancer/choreographer/MC Jocquese Whitfield (SirJoQ), Chicago Voguers Amya Jackson, Dhee Lacy, and Karma Munez discuss their story, voguing, why Black and Black Trans lives matter, and how they felt that day that dance and their bodies crossed the front lines. #BlackLivesMatter.
Wednesday DECEMBER 1, 2021 | 6-7:15 PM PST / 8-9:15 PM CST
Facilitated by Cherie Hill and Bhumi Patel
Check-in #1: Tuesday, JUNE 8, 6:30-7:30 PM (PDT)
Check-in #2: Thursday, SEPTEMBER 23, 6:30-7:30 PM (PDT)
¿Qué aprenderíamos si escucháramos a lxs artistas Latinx, Hispanos e Indígenas hablar sobre sus experiencias vividas?
Una charla con Snowflake Calvert, Dulce Escobedo & Marianna Escobedo, Cinthia Pérez Navarro y Lyvan Verdecia. Moderada por David Herrera, Mario Ismael Espinoza y Karla Quintero.
17 de septiembre, 5 - 6:30 PM (PDT)
What can we learn when we listen to the lived experiences of Latinx, Hispanic, and Indigenous artists?
A conversation with Snowflake Calvert, Dulce & Marianna Escobedo, Cinthia Pérez Navarro, & Lyvan Verdecia.
Moderated by Mario Ismael Espinoza, David Herrera, & Karla Quintero.
September 17, 5 - 6:30pm (PDT)
What can we learn when we listen to the lived experiences of Latinx, Hispanic, and Indigenous artists?
Featuring interviews with Snowflake Calvert, Dulce & Marianna Escobedo, Cinthia Pérez Navarro, & Lyvan Verdecia. Co-Curated by Mario Ismael Espinoza, David Herrera, & Karla Quintero.
¿Qué aprenderíamos si escucháramos a lxs artistas Latinx, Hispanos e Indígenas hablar sobre sus experiencias vividas?
Con entrevistas con Snowflake Calvert, Dulce Escobedo & Marianna Escobedo, Cinthia Pérez Navarro y Lyvan Verdecia. Co-curado por Mario Ismael Espinoza, David Herrera y Karla Quintero.
For Self-Identified Black Trans/Queer/Cis Women
Facilitated by Tammy Johnson
August 21, 1-3 pm
For Queer, Trans, Two-Spirit Black and Indigenous People and People of Color, led by the Iridescent Collective
Facilitated by the Iridescent Collective
May 16 1-4 PM
August 15 1- 4PM
For organizations and individuals seeking tools for value-based grounding of liberation work. Facilitated by Tammy Johnson
August 14, 1-3 pm
For White Allies
Facilitated by Stronghold
May 22 12-2 PM
Previous Public Dialogues
Photo (L to R): 1st Row: Jaime Cortez, Paloma McGregor by Erik Pearson; 2nd Row: Liz Lerman by Lise Metzger, Michael Orange
Photo L to R: Miguel Gutierrez by Marley Trigg Stewart, Edgar Villanueva courtesy of the author